Nebras LV switch gear and controller type NPM/NFPA20-SD has been designed in accordance with the latest requirements of NFPA20 standard for automatic, manual and emergency starting of LV motor driven pumps.
The components are installed in an enclosure having an ingress protection rated at IP: 42-55.
This controller has been certified by E.P.I.L laboratories.
Starting methods of this panel are as follows :
A. Automatic starting method
When pressure switch receives low pressure signal from pressure line it sends a signal to the controller and therefore starts the E-Motor by means of the S.D system.
B. Manual starting method
If E-Motor does not start automatically, the operator can start E-Motor manually by means of a push button.
C. Emergency starting method
If E-Motor does not start automatically and manually, the operator can start the E-Motor by means of the mechanical manual emergency starting system.
Control Signals
A. Control circuit healthy signal light:
This signal light will be illuminated when the electric power is connected and the control circuit is healthy.
B. Main healthy signal light:
This signal light will be illuminated when the power circuit is healthy.
C. Pressure low signal light:
This signal light will be illuminated when the pressure of the line is low.
D. Emergency manual start on signal light:
This signal light will be illuminated when the control circuit has failed and the manual emergency start has been used for starting the E-Motor.
Remote Signal Contacts
These dry contacts are used for transferring remote signals to DCS.
These signals are as follows:
A. Pressure low
B. Pump running
C. Power failed
D. Motor tripped
E. Emergency manual start on